02 April . 2020
Working from Home Made Easy
This spring season, many of us have transitioned to working from home. Whether you’ve converted to at-home work days permanently or just for the time being, learning to work from home after growing used to the typical office environment can be a tough change. Maybe you have kids in and out of the house throughout the day, a fur-baby that needs some love and affection while you work, or a spouse or roommate that seems to have their own work-from-home agenda that isn’t jiving well with your own. We are here to share some much needed tips and tricks to make sure you sail into working from home as smoothly as possible.
The first and most essential tip, is to work best with what you’ve got in a way that is most appropriately suited to your work needs. If you have an in-home office, great! But maybe you only have a desk tucked into the most convenient corner of your home, or maybe just a good spot on the couch or floor. Take the space you have to work with, and do just that. Designate that area as your own and begin to mentally associate that space as your office. Enhance that space in any way you can; make sure it is tidy, adorn it with pictures, trinkets, or other decorations that make it feel like an area assigned for being your most productive self. We each work best in an environment that feels comfortable, inviting, and designed with our needs in mind.
Another great way to increase your efficiency when working from home is to make sure that you communicate your needs to anyone else that may be home with you while you work. That means having those difficult conversations with your spouse about how watching that midday episode of Dr. Phil on surround sound may not be best for your workday. Or telling your kids that if they want to “horse around”, as many of our parents referred to it, they’ll have to do it outside. Setting clear in-house rules about what you need throughout your day can make transitioning to a work-from-home lifestyle a little simpler.