20 December . 2019
Dashing Thru the Glow 5K
For the fourth consecutive year, Riverlights has been the host location of the Dashing Thru the Glow 5K race organized by Go Time. Each year racers take part in a 5K or 1 mile run through the Riverlights community along the Cape Fear river as bystanders and many Riverlights residents cheer them on from the sidelines. Awards are handed out to runners as well as a Visa gift card to the Riverlights home with the most impressive holiday light display. Participants have a chance to meet Santa, as well as snack on cookies and hot chocolate. Partnered with Toys for Tots, runners that bring a new, unwrapped toy when picking up their bibs get $5 off their registration fee and a chance to give back to their community.
Last year the winner of this festive 5K was Julian Shepard with a time of 19:06, woah! This year the winner of the annual race was Travis Souza with a time of 17:11. The Riverlights resident winner of the best classic holiday decor was John Reynolds and the winner of the most Griswald decor was Richard Fischer. Come out next year in December (date to be confirmed at a later time) to participate in the run or to encourage the runners from the sidelines as they pass by. And as a resident of Riverlights, you can have a chance to win a special prize awarded by Go Time for the best neighborhood decoration display in the community. Make sure you don’t miss out on the fun and the opportunity to give back to the community by providing toys for kids around the country and sending a message of hope.